*Reg no: IHRC/Trust/92/2024*
Health is the cornerstone of human development and a basic human right. Access to healthcare, clean water, sanitation, and mental health support is essential for individual and societal well-being. IHRC Trust collaborates with global organizations to improve healthcare systems, combat health inequities, and ensure that every individual can lead a healthy and dignified life.
Education is a fundamental human right and a key driver of social and economic progress. IHRC Trust focuses on promoting universal access to quality education, particularly for vulnerable groups such as women, children, and refugees. By addressing barriers like poverty and discrimination, the IHRC Trust empowers individuals to break free from the cycle of inequality and achieve their full potential.
Adequate housing is central to human well-being, offering safety, security, and stability. Homelessness and inadequate housing remain significant global challenges. IHRC Trust campaigns for affordable housing initiatives, disaster-resilient infrastructure, and policies that ensure everyone has access to safe and dignified living conditions, in line with international human rights standards.
Clothing protects individuals from environmental conditions and is vital for maintaining dignity. It reflects cultural identity and personal expression, promoting equality and respect. IHRC Trust works to address clothing insecurity by supporting programs that provide adequate clothing to marginalized populations and advocating for sustainable, ethical fashion practices that prioritize human rights.
ccess to food is a basic human right enshrined in international law. Malnutrition and hunger affect millions, undermining health and productivity. IHRC Trust advocates for food security through equitable distribution systems, sustainable agricultural practices, and international collaboration to eliminate hunger. Ensuring every individual’s right to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food is a priority for fostering sustainable development.

Congratulations and best wishes from, United Nations Affiliated, International Human rights commission(IHRC) Trust.this commission is non profit and non political organisation.It is working only for social, Humanity, and project based, and this organisation has attacked the enemy where is Human Rights violation. This organisation has been working for the protection of human rights, including Bangladesh and worldwide, social and economic development, and this commission will take action against terrorism violence, suppression of militancy, prevention of corruption. This commission will be development of women and children rights, and legal aid.
- Human resources establishment
- Growth of industries
- Well-being and the prosperity of families
- Law enforcement
- Betterment of surroundings
- Police reform
- Prison reform
- Establishment of urban and rural areas
- Promotion of Art & Culture
- Sports
- IT
Congratulations and best wishes from, United Nations Affiliated, International Human rights commission(IHRC) Trust. this commission is non profit and non political organisation.It is working only for social, Humanity, and project based, and this organisation has attacked the enemy where is Human Rights violation. This organisation has been working for the protection of human rights, including Bangladesh and worldwide, social and economic development, and this commission will take action against terrorism violence, suppression of militancy, prevention of corruption. This commission will be development of women and children rights, and legal aid.
- Human resources establishment
- Growth of industries
- Well-being and the prosperity of families
- Law enforcement
- Betterment of surroundings
- Police reform
- Prison reform
- Establishment of urban and rural areas
- Promotion of Art & Culture
- Sports
- IT

What We Do ?
What is Human Rights ?
If we talk about human rights, these are elementary morals or the self-determination that is necessary for every society or every individual who lives in this world regardless of any religion and gender. These rights are for everyone, it does not matter how you live or where you live. No one can take these rights away from any individual. But at times these rights can be limited on an individual, and there might be reasons that the person has committed any law-breaking activity. These human rights are based on morals such as self-esteem, justice, regard or freedom. Hence, no one should be involved in human rights fight.
To provide justice for Human rights, some authorities have formed human rights NGOs, and there are some international NGOs, every individual must have their access to justice.
A human rights groups are non Governmental organation which advocates for Human Rights through Identifiaction of volilations, collecting incident data, its analysis and publication, promotion of public awareness while condecting institutional advocacy and lobbying to halt these violations.
These rights were sheltered by the national level RTI act 2005
In what ways human rights can assist you.
Basically, these rights are for us all. You can never say that reasons are for those who face some sort of bad times or any kind of exploitation. These rights guarded you in every situation. In everyday life you will notice that you are under the protection of these rights. For instance:
- You have every right of information or the freedom of information
- You can have a better education, especially for the specific genders.
- You can have your personal or family life.
- You cannot be ill-treated or defame by the government or any individual.
- Elimination of the dowry system
- Elimination of child marriage
- Elimination of violence against women
- Elimination of child abuse and child labor
- Elimination of child abuse and child labor
- Elimination of Acid throwing
- Elimination of corruption at all levels
- Elimination of Drug addiction at all levels
- Elimination of terrorism at all levels
- Elimination of eve-teasing at all levels
- Elimination rape of women and girls
- Elimination of child rape
- Elimination of land grabbers at all levels
- Elimination of human trafficking at all levels
- Elimination the lifestyle of hijras
- Elimination of prostitution
- Elimination of begging
- Realizing humanity's right to food
- Realizing humanity's right to clothing
- Realizing humanity's right to living
- Realizing humanity's right to Educations
- Realizing humanity's right to Treatment
- Implementing national and international rights
- Providing rehabilitation and education for street children
- Distributing winter clothes to helpless and poor people during winter
- Distributing relief and food items to the flood-affected people
- Elimination of violence against women
- Repair or provide financial assistance if a house is destroyed due to cyclone or tsunami
- Providing employment opportunities, including sewing machine training, to socially disadvantaged women
- Working on projects to control the environment and watershed
- Providing allowances for helpless old men and women
- Distributing animals like cows, goats, etc. to improve the living standards of the poor and helpless people
- To build libraries for the practice of poets and writers in different countries of the world and to award them with medals of honor
- Providing financial support for various festivals such as Eid, Puja, Christmas, Buddhist Purnima and other religious festivals of various religions
- Introducing a life insurance system for human rights activists
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